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Good morning and happy Friday, my loves ! I know there are a ton of really strong feelings about today’s inauguration but I think my favorite thing that I’ve seen is this letter that I came across on Facebook written by a man named Nevin Martel:
An open letter to everyone visiting Washington, D.C. this week:
Welcome to our home. This may simply be the nation’s capital to you, but this region is where millions of your fellow citizens raise their families, work hard, and strive to fulfill their dreams.
More than half of us were born elsewhere, so we can empathize with visitors. We know what it feels like to come here and feel like a stranger. If you find yourself lost, need help navigating public transportation, or are looking for a recommendation on where to eat or what to do, feel free to ask one of us.
We just have one ask of you.
Whether you’re here for the inauguration or to protest, please be respectful.
By all means make your voices heard. Commiserate. Celebrate. Champion a cause.
But don’t trash our home. Don’t insult the people who live here. Don’t make it hard for local business owners and their employees to do their jobs.
We hope you enjoy your time here and consider coming back again. Maybe when it isn’t as crowded, so you can get into all the museums you want to visit and it’s not difficult to get a reservation at the restaurant you want to try.
All the best,
A proud Washingtonian
Speaking of DC (as always), who remembers old(ish) Georgetown? When I was in college, I used to come home and, after a few crushes at Rugby, cry because I missed DC so much. Rugby, Third Edition, Rhino- those were my spots! My mom had a different set when she was hanging out there pre-Caroline, but Georgetown was her playground too with The Tombs, J. Paul’s, and Nathan’s. And while some people believe that the fun, young life of Georgetown may be circling back around to what it was 10, even 5 years ago, restaurateur Fritz Brogan says DC is a different city now. And maybe it’s just me, but I much prefer HH chorizo quesadillas & too many margs at Mission to being called old & fat by a drunk college kid at Chinese Disco.
Girl, I feel ya (on some level) as a blogger. No we will not post your crap for free: Hair stylist to Marla Maples: No free services in exchange for Inauguration Day ‘exposure’.
One of my favorite things is when Daddy D makes me a grilled cheese. But this wine & cheese pairing ON A SAMMICH takes it to a whole new level.
As a yoga lover + a studier of trends, I’m digging the tropical look favored by yogis right now!
This weather is some nonsense right? Can’t make up its mind! Roxanne is here to help!
Be safe this weekend, whatever your plans are!
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