Happy Friday and see ya later, this week. I’m kind of starting my moving process this weekend- taking winter clothes home to my parents’ house, making a run to Uptown Cheapskate to see if I’m selling or donating some clothes I don’t wear anymore, and sneaking into The Container Store for some little things for the new place.
Fri YAY shirt
Yesterday I wasn’t feeling so hot. I was turned down for a job at my firm and while I understood why, it still hit me right in the pride. I took a few moments for myself and went to Kate Spade- while listening to Moon River because I am a drama queen. I swear I think Kate herself must be my fairy godmother- their Jazz Things Up collection is cats + music. I mean HULLO! Purrrfection. While I didn’t actually get anything from this line, I did pick up a purse I’ve been eyeing all summer one SUPER SALE. Coming to the blog soon!
Whirlpool has been donating washing machines to schools to help ensure kids make it to school feeling clean and proud. This instantly made me think of where my mom works. She often talks about how the parents of her students work 2 and 3 jobs to make sure their kids come to school happy, healthy, and well-dressed. There is so much that we take for granted, and I have never in my life needed to worry about having clean clothes. Well done, Whirlpool!
I love showing off my city to newcomers, but I have to say I could do without ignorant tourists. Some of these reviews of national landmarks/ museums are insane! Kind of like this expectation of bears.
And speaking of animals, we should all be like this sweet duck.
Summer is coming to an end. But before you PUMPKIN ALL OF THE THINGS, give the pineapple one last chance. Incidentally, I’m wearing my pineapple flats today.
I’m totally gunning for Cheyanne Stonesifer, a little person, to be Miss Maryland USA this fall!
Have a great weekend! Remember to do something nice for yourself and for someone else.
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