I have a lot to be Thankful for this year, and every year, but I think these two pictures from our wedding sum it all up nicely:
I have always felt so loved by my family and friends, but marrying my Kendall, that love only seemed to multiply. (Gosh, imagine once we start having kids!)
I am so incredibly thankful that I married the man of my prayers and that my parents not only gave us the most beautiful, perfect wedding, but that they love him like a son.
I’m thankful that I have a whole big new family who loves me as much as I love them.
Besides that,
I’m thankful for my amazing boss who encourages me, laughs with me, and has helped me become infinitely more sure of myself in my bizarre role.
I’m thankful for our new friends in Glover Park (that only took 2 years!), the friends I’ve had forever, and all of them in between.
I’m thankful to everyone who has ever read, commented on, or shared this blog. You have no idea how much each little thing means to me. I’ve been doing this for almost 5 years and it’s still a learning experience, sometimes frustrating, but I keep going.
I’m just generally thankful for everything in my life right now. The older I get, the more often I count my blessings. And I’ve realized there are so many of them.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
photos by Darrell McDavid Photography
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