Ok so remember when I said that having my own Etsy shop would be a learning experience? It has been, believe me.
One of the best things I’ve done is join a Facebook group devoted to Etsy buyers and sellers. I say this as not only a seller- but as a buyer I found a few really perfect Christmas presents/ stocking stuffers that I might not have found otherwise. It’s a funky little community, but mostly supportive, and very forthcoming with the advice.
It’s not a secret that I’ve wanted to have my own t-shirt line since… forever? The rise of graphic tees when I was in middle school probably really kicked it off. Logistically, I didn’t think I’d really be able to make it happen for a quite a few years. There’s the cost of production, keeping track of inventory, and shipping- not to mention the upfront cost of all of that- just is not feasible for my current budget and lifestyle. Playing around with Amazon and Zazzle, I got a couple things going. I’ve even made sales on Zazzle- and not just from myself! It didn’t seem quite right having two totally different shops though- Etsy for my digital prints and Zazzle for my shirts, but I would make it work. Until, from the aforementioned Facebook group, I found a place that could integrate my designs into products and link directly to my Etsy, even pricing the products for me. HOLLAH! Printify makin’ my dreams come true.
Here’s the short version of how it works- I decide what products I want my designs on, upload the designs to that product, and then Printify links the product directly to my Etsy. I can edit the product description, title, etc. on my Etsy once that’s finished, and it’s right there in my shop! They take care of the production and shipping.
Somewhat related, I also bought a Print On Demand License from my favorite graphic shop on Etsy. I chose WriteLovely to be my exclusive design “partner” for many reasons: she has a huge selection of gorgeous graphics, they’re inexpensive, buying a license from her insures that all my designs are legally mine, and having one graphic person I work with will make my shop more cohesive. I’m not going to close my Zazzle shop, because what’s the point of disregarding all the work I’ve already put into that? But going forward, my Etsy will be my focus, along with, of course, continuing to build my blog brand.
Thank you for sticking with me as I figure this all out!
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!