It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a wedding day is all about the bride – at least, that’s often what it seems like from what many people say and think! But the truth is that for a really special day, it needs to be more about your relationship and what’s right for the pair of you instead of just what you want from your big day. Here are some things you should splash out on on your wedding day to make it just as special for your partner as it is for you.
Wedding welcome sign
The Guests
The guest list should, of course, be decided on by both of you – but make sure that you listen to your partner’s views fully. If you want to have a small wedding but he has some important reasons to invite his mom and dad’s next door neighbors, then make sure you hear him out. Splashing out on some extra places at your wedding for people who mean a lot to him won’t bankrupt you – he’ll be delighted that you listened to him, they’ll be overjoyed to be invited, and the photographs of people who mean a lot to him will be great fun to look back on.
The Cars
To you, the cars might not seem particularly important (my grandfather raced classic cars, so they definitely are for me!) – so long as you get from home to the church or venue in one piece, does it really matter what you’re actually traveling in? But you should bear in mind that men often have different relationships with cars than women do – it sounds like a huge generalization, but it’s often true! During your wedding day, you’ll probably have a lot of treats – beauty treatments beforehand, a hairdresser, your makeup done professionally, a gorgeous dress – so why not think of a nice car as a treat for your partner? Let him pick out the fancy car of his dreams from a company like Prestige Keys.
The Food
Wedding food is a much more precise art than one would think. You need to give your guests something filling so it soaks up some of the alcohol they’ll be consuming as well – but at the same time, you don’t want to give them something too stodgy, because you want to make sure that everyone’s filling the dance floor later! If you haven’t thought much about the food, then why not hand that job over to your husband to be? Not only is it something where he’ll really be able to exercise his good taste – possibly not the case with the flowers – but he’ll also love being given the responsibility. Going cake tasting together will be one of the absolute highlights of wedding planning!
The Music
At a wedding, of course you want your guests to dance the night away, so it’s important that you invest some money in a good sound system. Check out the one the venue has and if it’s tinny then why not rent one for yourself? You should also splash out on the best DJ you can find – pick someone who’ll really listen to what you want and who’s in tune with the guests on the dance floor instead of hitting play on a wedding playlist full of per-selected tunes.
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