Happy Friday!
Anyone else totally over this weather of wet and cold in the morning then almost 80 in the afternoons? It makes it so hard to get dressed in the morning!
I’m looking forward to a low key weekend of pumpkin carving, pumpkin seed baking, and Zoom yoga.
Fall tiered tray bundle
On The CaroLøve
New in The CaroLøve Shop
Lately loving
If you’re in the Montgomery County, MD area, and especially if you have littles, you should check out the pumpkin patch at St. John’s in Olney. It gives kiddos a pumpkin patch experience in a safe environment without having to worry about a hay wagon ride or crowds.
I mentioned them on my old blog, but I have recently rediscovered MeFrangrance! I’d read about a perfume that’s a combo of pumpkin pie and lavender. Sounds weird but those are two of my favorite scents. Since it’s sold out (or impossible to find), I decided to whip up my own. As per their instructions, I created a perfume that’s 45% middle notes (Pumpkin Spice), 30% top notes (Lavender), and 25% base notes (Vanilla Bean goes well with lavender and pumpkin, IMO). I learned after my last try that less is more, and I really love how this one turned out!
Did you see my post about how I’ve become somewhat of an Amazon Influencer? I have to really give this sweater a shoutout for being one of the softest sweaters I’ve ever owned.
I’ve just about run my little gold Coach loafers into the ground, even after taking them to my cobbler last year for some love. I had this rose gold pair of Lena Loafers on my Nordstrom wish list for months, and they’re 60% off! They’re still available in most sizes and SUPER comfy.
I’ve been perfecting my skincare routine, especially with maskne, and I am so thrilled to have a vanity tray that displays everything I use to nicely, including the little jewelry dish it came with!
Don’t forget you can always peek at my wish list over in my sidebar. Here’s what I’m currently craving:
Around the internet
If you’re in DC and feeling a little stir crazy (especially as the weather gets a little less cooperative), you should look into having a safe and socially distant visit to the National Gallery of Art! via Blonde in the District
One of my favorite Instagram accounts has been made into a book: ACCIDENTALLY WES ANDERSON! via Sf GIRL
My neighborhood doesn’t have kids anymore, for the most part, but my mom and I are making boo bags for some of our neighbors’ grandkids that would normally come around trick or treating. I feel bad for parents with kids, and I love seeing how people are celebrating Halloween, safely! via Lemon Stripes
Speaking of Halloween safety for this year, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Field of Screams (almost walking distance from my house!) was able to open with COVID compliant policies this year! I haven’t gone since high school, so I appreciate this rundown of what it’s like! (anyone want to go with me??) via The Seventh District
Have a great weekend!
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!