This past year, my world was turned absolutely on its head. I can’t really talk about why yet, but those who are close to me irl know, and eventually I’ll share more here. Until then, know that I’m safe, healthy, and working on being my best self. I’m doing as well as I am because of the unwavering support I’ve had from my parents, family, and friends.
Some of you have probably noticed that I’m in Laytonsville, rather than The District. I am so fortunate that I have a home to go home to and parents who are happy to have me. It has changed my routine- I’m on the metro rather than the bus (although my commute time hasn’t changed drastically), and getting into the city on weekends for events (we’re calling brunch “events” now) takes a little bit of strategizing. However, I do quite enjoy the slower pace of the ‘burbs, especially on weekends when I need to recharge.
I think when you’re going through a big life change, it’s important to set up routines. I have some simple things I like to make sure I accomplish every weekend to set the tone for my upcoming week:
Pamper yoself
This one is easy. I start my Saturdays with a face mask. I love a good charcoal mask as long as it doesn’t have tea tree oil in it. It’s like unclogging my face from the week before. I also occasionally love a Friday night bubble bath. A hot bath followed by a cool shower and I’m immediately zonked. I take slower mornings or afternoons to do a conditioning hair treatment. Basically, any of my beauty stuff that takes longer, I save it for the weekend and actually enjoy it.
Clean your space & your mind
I remember reading about a zillion year ago in a magazine (it may have even been American Girl) that keeping horizontal surfaces clean is one easy thing you can do to help keep your mind focused as well. During the week, I’m honestly pretty awful at putting anything away, so Saturday mornings, while I’m waiting for my face mask to dry, I take the time to put away laundry and any other clutter. I also burn incense and at least two candles. My little oil diffuser gets a refill. Weather permitting, I open a window.
My room smells and looks like a whole sanctuary. I call it my tree house, since it has windows on three sides, and it makes for a great place to get some writing done or a nap in on a lazy day. I’ve been trying to journal more and I’ve also dabbled in tarot cards when the mood strikes. Both are just nice and centering after a long week of go go go. I play music that makes me happy. It’s amazing what that 20 or so minutes does for my room and a my mood.
Get a workout (or two) in
After going through some drama trying to find a fitness home, I am so thankful that my mom surprised me with a membership to Gold’s. I am honestly useless at working out on my own, and Gold’s’ classes are AMAZING. Saturdays are for Zumba, Sundays are for Barre. (I do Zumba and Body Pump during the week.) It does so much for me and this week, I haven’t felt my best so I’ve been slacking off. I can’t wait for Sunday Barre, especially. Half the battle of working out is showing up, and it’s great to have classes I LOVE showing up to!
The last one is very personal to me. I wouldn’t tell anyone they need to go to church, but the Taizé church service at my hometown church is something I sincerely look forward to every week. It’s much smaller than a typical Sunday morning service, more meditative, and instead of a sermon there’s a discussion. There’s something really specially about bringing the gospel home in a building and with people I’ve known almost my whole life. I leave feeling recharged and ready to tackle the following week. Usually, church is followed by a family dinner at home- the perfect way to close a weekend!
What do you do for you on the weekends? If you can’t answer that, you should figure out how to carve out time for yourself. Altogether, the things I’ve listed above take up about 5 hours. You spend roughly 40 hours (if not more. probably more.) during the week for other people.
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