When we thinking about a wedding day, we often picture happiness and love. But when you start to think about your own upcoming or future wedding day, how do you feel? A lot of women will say excited and giddy. But not every woman will. In fact, it’s becoming more and more common for women to actually be worried about their wedding day!
Maybe it has something to do with the amount of pressure that is put on weddings and brides these days. Wedding days are seen to be big affairs, and that amount of pressure can knock any girl off of her confidence block. At the same time, it’s also the idea of getting married in front a whole lot of people too. So if you’re someone that’s starting to worry about her wedding day, don’t worry – you’re not alone.
It is important to work out the worries that you have. You will really want to make sure that can let go of some of the worries that you have and just enjoy the planning. My biggest worry was getting people to the church and then the venue- and it all worked out after a lot of sleepless nights and wasted energy worrying.
Weddings are supposed to be exciting – so it’s time for you to turn your panic into passion and make this a lot of fun. From focusing on the personal touches to just enjoying the process itself, you can make this happen. You just need to stay calm. So let’s consider some really great tips that are going to help you to keep calm and weed out those worries.
Darrell McDavid Photography
Take Your Time
You’re going to want to make sure that you don’t rush into doing anything. Yes, you may want to just get married, and you may have family and friends asking about when the wedding will be, but don’t rush. If you book too soon, you may find that it just stressed you out. Instead, just do things in your own time. You will get there when you get there. We gave ourselves a year, which worked pretty well. I’ve had friends do it in 6 months, or extend their engagements past a year. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.
As a step on from that, you’re going to really want to take your time when you’re making some of the most important decisions. This very much applies to finding a venue. You definitely don’t want to be rushing into making a choice when you’re not entirely sure. After all, you want this to be worry-free. So take your time considering the different kinds of venues, visiting them, comparing options and costs, and just enjoy the process of finding the perfect place.
Although Kendall and I loved the Mayflower at first sight, I did actually check out a couple other venues. One felt too cramped, one felt too massive and the Mayflower was juuuuust right. I also checked out price points with several other comparable hotels.
Start Early
You’re going to want to make sure that you get started on some key things as early as possible. Again, you really don’t want to feel rushed during this process, as it can cause you to get stressed out. When it comes to your beauty, based on Sona’s bridal beauty guide, the earlier you get started the better. That way, you’ll actually enjoy everything that you need to do, and feel like a million dollars by the time the wedding comes around.
I found my dress within a month of being engaged and looked at a venue the week Kendall proposed. Once you’re engaged, why not get the ball rolling?
Keep It Small
We absolutely did not do this, but if you’re worried about being in front of so many people, then just stick to a small wedding. Just because others want you to have a big wedding, it doesn’t actually mean that you should! So think about bringing the numbers down and opting for something a little more intimate if it’s going to make you feel better.
I’ve been to big weddings and little weddings and my biggest takeaway is that all weddings are different. That’s it, point blank. You just have to decide which is better for you and your partner.
Don’t Compare Yourself
On that note, it’s going to be crucial for you not to compare your wedding to others. Just don’t do it. If you want to avoid worry and stress, just forget about what others are doing. Remember, this is your day. Not anyone else’s. Comparing your wedding to your friends’ weddings or even weddings on social media is just silly and will cause you to freak out even more!
Go With What You Want
At the same time, you’re going to want to do things your way. It’s okay to consider current wedding trends, but don’t start choosing things that don’t feel right for you. For example- Pantone’s color of the year is purple and I don’t care much for purple. Rose gold is apparently passé and to that I say poo poo! Don’t feel pressured into keeping up with what others have. Just do things your own way.
From here, you’re also going to want to make sure that you stick to what you want. If you start making decisions based on others, it could make you stressed out. So instead, think about allocating your wedding budget as you see fit. It’s okay to put more money into the things that are most important to you, or just spend a minimal amount altogether. There were certain things we really wanted and others we just didn’t care about. We didn’t pay to upgrade the cake, for example, but we really wanted signature cocktails. Figure out what works for you!
Have Fun With It
A really important thing to remember is that you need to just have fun with this. Why let worries get to your when you can just enjoy the whole experience instead? Getting married is meant to be the most magical day of your life. So don’t let decisions get in the way of that. Instead, have fun with the choices that you’re making. Do things slowly, and let yourself get excited about everything in the process.
My favorite thing about wedding planning, as I’ve said before, was taking my time picking out all the small details. I’ll remember spending hours with the florist and table card maker, whittling down ideas with my mom and planning surprises for Kendall.
Enlist Help
One of the best things that you can do is to get help. Whether you’re planning your wedding alone or not, help will be great. We actually had two planners (Andrea was with The Mayflower and Tabitha we hired from outside), plus vendors who really knew what they were doing from years in the biz. Our day truly couldn’t have run any smoother… even the limo driver was impressed he got the bride to the church EARLY!
If you don’t want a wedding planner, then enlist your mom, friends, or family to help. Their opinions and support might just stop you from panicking throughout the process. I really couldn’t have had my day without the help of my mom, bridesmaids, and Kendall’s best man.
Go With Your Gut
But most importantly of all, just make sure that you’re sticking to what feels right. If at any point during the process, something doesn’t feel right, then take a step back and work out what the issue is. Maybe you’re not happy with a decision, or you just need more time. Then great – it is your wedding, so you can do it however you want. A lot of the time, we worry because things aren’t as we want them. But if you make sure to always go with your gut, you will find that everything falls into place and you no longer worry! My wedding was a dream, I just wished I hadn’t wasted so much energy freaking out beforehand!
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