You may have seen the picture below on my Instagram stories:

I absolutely love having a skincare routine. I used to just do a face wipe and a moisturiser, but the way my skin feels now, you couldn’t pay me to go back. When I worked at the yoga studio part time, one of the college girls on a shift with me told me she couldn’t believe how old I was because I didn’t have wrinkles. That was a couple years ago, but I think I’ve done a pretty good job at continuing to fight them off and I want to keep it that way.

I see the above as a bare bones routine. Where are the masks? Where are the eye treatments?! THE TONER??? It’s missing some pieces for me, but I also spotted some products I should be using regularly (ahem, an SPF 30). So if you’re going to pare down your routine, let me tell ya what I’ve used and loved…


Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!

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