For many people their wedding day flashes past in the blink of an eye. It’s crazy really – we spend months, even years sometimes, planning an event which only culminates down to one day of our lives. When this day finally arrives, it can often go by in a bit of a blur – after all, there’s so much to see and do (as well as there usually being a little bit of booze involved!). When it’s all over, a lot of brides report feeling a little deflated. Not because they didn’t have a good time. Everyone knows that your wedding day is nearly always the best day of your life. But because it’s all over, and because they can’t squeeze any more joy out of it. Unless you decide you almost immediately renew your vows (not advisable!) there isn’t really any way to have the wedding experience all over again for quite some time. Except, that is, by reliving the memories. Here are some beautiful ways you can do just that, and you can delve back into your wedding day whenever you like.
Amy Allen Photography
Professional photographs
If there’s ever an occasion that requires a professional photographer, it’s your wedding day. No blurred iPhone snaps will do on a day like this – you need only the best, and rightly so! Thankfully, you shouldn’t have to look far to find a wedding photographer, and companies like Brightmoon are perfectly experienced in simply blending into the background. In fact, you probably won’t notice that they are there at all! But you will be left with some beautiful photos to look at for years to come. You can keep them on your computer, get them printed out into a book or both.
Wedding Hashtag Sign
A hashtag
If you’re quite the tech-y type, why not consider inventing a wedding hashtag? It might sound a bit zany at first, but it’s a fun and interesting way to get your guests more involved in your wedding and giving you all something fun to look back on. It’s relatively easy to do. Simply put some signage up around your wedding venue/reception venue that your guests need to tag anything they post to social media that day with your hashtag of choice. For example, if your married name is going to be Johnson, try something like ‘#johnsonwedding2017’. That way, when you search the hashtag across Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, you will see a flurry of results all from your big day. Innovative, fun, and the best bit? It’s there on the internet forever!
Mr & Mrs Wedding Guestbook
A guestbook
Guestbooks are generally considered a little old-school – but as they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Having a physical book to write in can also hold a lot more sentimental value than your guests simply posting a message on your Facebook wall. It’s something you can have forever, and who wouldn’t want to flick through the lovely messages with their spouse on a nostalgic evening? Provide the book at the wedding reception and put it somewhere everyone can see it. Word will soon get round that it’s there, and the messages you receive will be a reminder of everyone who came to support you on your big day too.
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