Planning has the power to make your life easier. There’s nothing better for getting your head straight than having a clear plan in front of you. With the new year approaching, now would be the perfect time to get your planning game in gear. Getting to grips with planning is easier than you think. Why not invest in a planner and start making plans ready? Whether you have an event coming up next year, or just want to get your life in order, this could be the answer for you. If you feel overwhelmed even thinking about organization, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to take a look at how you can get into the planning habit.
Fringe Studio ‘Confetti’ 17-Month 2016-17 Planner
Never underestimate how important stationery is when it comes to getting organized. From highlighters to post-it-notes, the stationery world has got you covered. Make a commitment to a more organized future by stocking up on pads, pens, and sticky notes. And don’t forget that all important planner that will help you keep dates clear in your head! It’s not just everyday planning that a stock of stationery will help you with, either. Stationery can be great if you’re organizing an event. If you’ve got a wedding coming up in the next year, there’s plenty of wedding stationery out there, too. From thank you notes to invitations cards, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Start your planning habit now by stocking up on the essentials. Head to your local stationery store and see what treats are on offer! Agenda Starter Pack
Those of you have used to-do lists in the past will already know the benefits they hold. Those of you who haven’t are in for a treat. Nothing sets organization off on the right footing quite so well as a to-do list. Get into the habit of writing to-do lists by writing out a list of your day each morning. You don’t need an event to use this helpful tool. Even just outlining what you plan to achieve in a day can bring lots of satisfaction. Once you’ve written your list, cross off items as you accomplish them. These lists are perfect if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Putting your tasks down on paper can shrink them to size. Seeing the list go down as you cross things off will help you breathe easy. Once you’ve got the hang of using lists on a daily basis, they will be a God send when you have a particular event to plan for. You’ll already know how to use your list to gain the most benefit. Having the practice to turn back to will calm you immediately. So, go on. Don’t hesitate to get started. Buy yourself a new pad and pen and make sure you start using them.
Kelsey Nixon Essentials 20-piece Prep & Store Storage System with Cookbook
Planning meals for a family is never an easy task. Your planning can help to make this stressful job much easier, too. If you live on a day to day basis, the daily meal can take up far too much of your time. Not only do you have to make the thing, but you have to decide what it’s going to be. Not to mention that the job is harder when you have to choose a meal that includes ingredients you have. Make the task less of a chore by making a weekly meal plan before you go shopping. As well as making your life easier, this will allow you to save money. Popping to the shops always ends up a lot more expensive than we plan. Wandering around with no meals in mind when you do your weekly shop can end in a lot of wasted food. With your meal plan at hand, write out a shopping list of all the ingredients you need, and make sure you stick to it. You won’t believe how much easier this method will be. Writing your lists this way will also allow you to plan which meals would be convenient on which days. If you don’t have much time on one day, you can plan something quick. What’s not to love?
This list only briefly touches on how effective planning and organization can be in your life. If you’re tempted, don’t hesitate to give it a try. What’ve you got to lose, after all? You never know, a little planning might be just what you need to get your life on the right track.
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