Whether we’re ready or not, summer is on its way and it won’t be long before we are all enjoying our summer clothes, fashion and beauty trends and hopefully, safely being outside a little more. While it still feels a little gloomy outside right now, it is all about how we can get ourselves ready for the summer months.
Times are increasingly hard right now, and going to the shops or enjoying summer holidays may seem like a distant memory that we won’t be able to enjoy at the moment. However, there are things that we can do now to help us get ready for summer. Enjoying the garden, enjoying open spaces, there is still so much we can look forward to and feeling good about ourselves will be a great place to start. So with that in mind, we wanted to share with you some of the ways we can get ready for summer.
Summer Should Be Fun Shirt
Investing in our wardrobes and home
It is fair to say that our wardrobes and our homes will have been winterized. There is no doubt that wardrobes will be filled with jumpers and knits and your loving spaces adorned with blankets. Sound familiar? But while it isn’t right to get rid of it all completely, because the weather can be up and down, we can start to inject some of the summer fashion and trends into our wardrobes and our homes. Of course, this doesn’t mean blowing your bank balance or racking up the credit cards, but it does mean that if you budget right, you can get your home and wardrobe ready.
A capsule wardrobe for spring is the ticket to having the right style while being budget friendly, and there is no problem with adding a few spring touches to your home such as fresh flowers, pastel shades or even a few new accessories and orange tones here and there. Starting now means that it won’t feel like such a big change or cost when the time comes, and plus it can have you feeling excited and happy during these last few weeks of spring.
Watermelon Summer Earring
What about your accessories?
Another thing to think about with the summer approaching is your accessories that work alongside your clothes. You may want to wear more statement jewelry and enjoy how they can enhance the way an outfit looks. You could look into different storage options for your jeweler such as Jewelry Armoires & Cabinets so that you can see exactly what you have to work with. You might also want to think about some of the other things that you can do such as looking at your shoe collection. The sandals may need to be dug out of storage and your boots put away for a while. It isn’t just about your clothes, it is more about what goes with them and while you may not be doing too many day trips or nights out, you can still look and feel your best.
Re-evaluating our diets
We can all be guilty of reaching the comfort food during winter, pasta, bread and all things carb related can often be your first choice for meals. But this can also leave you feeling heavy and bloated, so now might be the ideal time to re-evaluate your diet. Perhaps incorporating a smoothie filled with fruit and veg for breakfast or as a snack, maybe adding some more vegetable side dishes to your main meals or even getting into the salads once more. This can have you filled with energy and also looking your best in time to model the spring and summer fashion trends.
What about exercise?
Another thing to think about would be taking exercise and making the most of the restrictions in place and how exercise is possible. Walking, running, and feeling your best not just physically but also mentally can make such a big difference to how you look and feel. If you haven’t done much exercising before, it is the best advice to start slowly and work your way up. Walking and running right now could be a great way to feel a little less involved in the current news headlines and to take some time for yourself. While doing that, you can help to get into better shape and also feel better with more energy.
With gyms closed, I’ve been trying out different videos on YouTube! I do better working out with a class than I do on my own and HI! it’s free!
Daily Planner Notepad
Make improvements for the future
You could look at taking the time right now to make some improvements to your mental well being and also your future plans. We have time to think about online courses, changes for the future with things like careers, and also making future plans for the months ahead. Small changes can make a huge difference to your life, and right now it could be the ideal way to focus on the summer and make some more changes to how you feel.
I’m working on healthy, productive habits with my daily to-do list!
Multi Mask Set with Turmeric Mask, Matcha Green Tea and Charcoal Mask for Radiant Skin
Putting some time into ourselves
Finally, we may have neglected ourselves during the winter months and even right now we might not be taking the best care, even though we have more time to do it. Less likely to moisturize our bodies, paint our toenails, look after our feet or even take care of hair thanks to the woolly hat option. But now would be the ideal time to change up your routine and put some into yourself. A pamper session each week for a face mask, making time to soak in the bath or even giving yourself an at home pedicure or manicure. Starting now will have you feeling prepared and ready for summer. You could even look into making some homemade face masks and beauty products as we know that some items are difficult to get hold of right now. There are plenty of options online.
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