With summer hot on our heels, most of us are starting to feel ready to shed the winter wardrobe. The days of bulky jumpers and scarves are long behind us. As we’re blessed with the first beautiful spring days of the year, we’re itching to break out the summer wardrobe. Of course, it’s not quite hot enough for that yet. But, it won’t be long. The good news is, you still have time to stock up on a summer wardrobe that works. Winter was all about hygge and comfort. But, we’re going to look at why a minimalist wardrobe will serve you better for the summer months.
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When you’re already hot and bothered, the last thing you want is to be hoisting your bag back up every few minutes. That’s a sure way to make the heat stress that bit more stressful. Instead of looking like the graceful summer Goddess you were aiming for, you’ll look like a wooly mammoth in the wrong climate. So, ditch the bulky bags. Opt instead for a light option like these saddlebag purses. That way, you won’t feel weighed down by unwanted baggage. Think, too, about minimizing the amount you carry. A lighter bag calls for a lighter load!
No winter wardrobe would be complete without a selection of strap tops. Instead of rushing out and buying an extensive wardrobe, stock up on a few of these. They’re sure to keep you going through the warm months. The best thing about these is that they’re cheap, and exactly what you need. With the sun beating down, you’re not going to want anything covering your arms. Save going topless; it doesn’t get much cooler than this. When you’re shopping, make sure you pick options with high-quality material. Strap tops are big business, and many companies keep the price down by using thin fabric. Letting everyone see your bra each day is not the kind of sexy you’re going for.
Choosing what to wear down below isn’t as easy. Shorts used to be the go-to choice, but they’re now a hard thing to pull off. Though, the 80s are in this summer, so you may see a few more around. Even so, shorts are a risk. You need to be careful not to buy anything too long. Shorts that fall just above your knee aren’t going to look good on anyone. At the same time, you don’t want anything too short. Make sure to try before you buy, and be honest with yourself about whether the length is right.
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