It’s official! I signed a lease and will officially be a DC resident once again beginning on April 9th.
I’m pretty well set up with furniture and necessities between what I had from my last apartment and the furniture that’s taken over the guest room in my parents’ basement. I’m super psyched to put together all the little details to truly make the space my own. This weekend, for example, I commandeered the jars that had been in my parents’ kitchen when I was a kid. (They’re going for $65 on Etsy and I got them fo’ free!)
While this time around, I’m making sure to find quality peices that will hold up, I am still working with a budget, especially when it comes to decor extras like pillows and vases. My aesthetic is kind of like… dreamy kitcsch? Pop art. Pastels. Soft textures and shapes. I want the space to scream femininity, and I definately don’t want it to be too matchy/matchy (which is kind of a bad habit of mine).