Friday is my 2nd Favorite F Word T-Shirt
Happy Friday, y’all! I hope you stayed cool and dry this week with the hundred degree temps + flash floods. #yuck. Plans this weekend include my movie night at Crumbs & Whiskers and a Bubbles & Bloggers brunch organized by the lovely Dani!
Remember a couple years ago when Mac had a Barbie line? At the time the was more than I wanted to spend, so forget about now that it’s collectors’ item status. But Barbie girls rejoice! Walgreens has a mini-collection with items under $10!
I am so stoked about my upcoming road trip! I have always wanted to go to Savannah so Kendall and I are stopping there on our way back from Alabama/ Mississippi. I’d love to check out the 7 wonders, but if anyone has any Savannah travel tips I’d love to know!
OK- so I’ve been slowly turning on my friends to lavender lattes, but how do you you feel about lavender toothpaste? Or jasmine toothpaste for that matter?
For whatever reason, the flooding in Louisiana is not getting the attention that Katrina did. When Katrina hit, I was going to a school that was very heavily philanthropy based. We sent trucks of supplies and donations to Louisiana and it was great to tangibly work on that. Not having the base of St. Andrew’s at my disposal, I did a quick search about what I could do for the flood relief. I found this great list of ways you can help here, and I encourage you to share.
Have an amazing weekend!
Check out what I'm loving right now on Amazon!