It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the first weekend of my favorite month which also happens to be the weekend of Chowderfest. Time for the annual girls’ trip to Long Beach Island, NJ to buy all the things and eat all the things and generally enjoy life and the sisterhood of friendship. Like- there’s a picture of Tiffany and I hanging up in one of the gift shops. I grew up going down the shore but since we sold our house, it’s been this weekend that completes my little half-Jersey heart. We’ll stock up at the Island Gypsy sale and I ignore that I’m just a little allergic to shellfish. WHOOPS. What do you have planned this weekend?
Beach decor
Lateley on The CaroLøve:
- Look Good, Feel Better: Here’s Why Health and Beauty Go Hand in Hand
- LiveGlam’s October MorphMe + KissMe
- 7 Ways To Ensure A Stress-Free Wedding Day
- The Best Places To Have Your Wedding
- Toucha-toucha-toucha touch me
I’m beyond ecstatic that a Stella&Dot x RebeccaMinkoff collection is a thing and the pieces are GORGEOUS!
Every once in a while I just need to share a friend’s outfit post. My girl Rox killed it for NYFW!
So, SO happy that The Diner made this list of top breakfast (not brunch) spots in DC. (Go for the chorizo omletes.)
A huge congrats to Christine for making the Top 100 French Blogs and Websites for Francophiles!
I know I’m obsessed with my PosyPaper Planner but Tiff just told me about a new planner I may try for 2018. You can get the The Happiness 100-Day Planner at Anthropologie for $26, but I may splurge for the dated Jan-Dec.
After over a year of bugging ever Trader Joe’s cashier I have come across and recieving varying answers, it has been confirmed that we’re getting one in Glover Park! YAS. (Kendall, love, you can still keep going to Safeway for your pickles. I won’t fight you on that.)
On a very serious note, one of my college friends has organized a Puerto Rico Relief Fund. My tie to Puerto Rico is that one of my best friends’ family is from there and I had the privilege to visit the island with her, his are much deeper. Beyond that, please don’t forget that Puerto Ricans are our American brothers and sisters and they need our help. From Joe’s page:
Though Hurricane Maria is long gone from Puerto Rico, the island’s people are still struggling to cope with the chaos and destruction the storm left behind. As some are aware I am of Puerto Rican descent with several family members on the island who are facing a growing humanitarian crisis. My family and I visited the island earlier this year after the passing of my father who had been living there for the past 7 years.
In his honor and on behalf of my family I have felt compelled to do what I can to raise money and support relief efforts. My Uncle Robert Gonzalez and I are setting up this page to raise funds to support our efforts to buy and send much needed supplies directly to local organizations on the ground. Robert will be overseeing logistics of getting supplies from his warehouse in Elizabeth NJ to Port San Juan.
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