When it comes to Europe, every country is worth visiting at some point. It’s a continent of beauty, and Italy is one of the most stunning pearls on this continental necklace of countries. To be honest, you probably don’t even need reasons to visit Italy. You most likely already think it seems like a wonderful holiday location; looks aren’t everything, but Italy is a stunner. There’s no doubt about it.
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Rush to see places which might one day be lost wonders of the world.
Venice is the heart of Italy. It’s a place well worth visiting not only because it’s the capital of this splendid country, but because it might not be visitable for much longer. Ironically, the thing which makes Venice so appealing is also the thing which threatens its future. The beautiful canals are truly a sight to behold, but this great capital is slowly sinking and is subject to floods on occasion. It’s worth catching the mighty Titanic of Italy before it vanishes.
Of course, don’t rush over too quickly. If you want the best trip of your life, you want to be prepared and packed for it. Given safety measures which have developed for travellers, with respect to recent events in the world, you might want to check whether visa requirements apply to citizens from your country on www.etias.com. These boring things could ruin a holiday if they catch you out at the last second, so you’d be better getting all that nonsense out of the way before you set off to enjoy your Italian adventure.
Do something a little unique.
Italy is an incredible place that can be experienced in so many ways. Whilst you’re away from home on this adventure, there are so many unique activities in which you could be involved. You could take a beautiful helicopter ride over Rome, for example, because that’s an experience like no other. Sure, you can see it all from the ground, but why experience Italy like everyone else? You’re in an incredible place, so the best way to enjoy that is to do something incredible. Seeing mighty monuments from ancient times is even more awe-inspiring from a great height.
Beautiful beaches on beautiful islands.
Italy is a rather individual country when it comes to its shape and small islands off the coast. You don’t just have to visit Venice and Rome. I mean, you should so you can see the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the grand remnants of the Colosseum, but you might find a slice of heaven off the coast of mainland Italy. Small tourist destinations such as Sicily are host to some stunning beaches.
If you’re dreaming of clear-blue seas and picturesque, surreal beaches as well an ancient history in the form of awe-inspiring buildings from a bygone era, Italy has lots of hidden havens off its coastline. There’s much more to Italy than pizza and pasta, although I’d be lying if I said those weren’t great advantages.
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I need to travel more! Italy looks beautiful!