There’s a little nip in the air- actually, it may not even be a nip it’s just not HAWT. This means that my least favorite time of the year is winding down. I had a pumpkin spice bagel yesterday. Fall is coming. But it’s not quite here yet.
Last night, Bubbles & Bloggers had their August meet up at the Embassy Row Hotel with special guests from StyleMeBar. We try to pick out a theme for our events, and this month is was “come wearing your favorite summer outfit.” Kind of perfect for the last B&B bash of the summer.
My outfit was one that has been on repeat since June. The dress, which I also have in pink, is a style I wasn’t sure would work on me but I LOVE. I can’t do off the shoulder, but a cold shoulder has been my sassy go-to way to wear the trend. I just have to pop on a great Stella & Dot necklace and the softest loafers (an excellent TJ Maxx find) and I have an outfit in 3 easy steps. I’ve also been carrying around this sweet bag from The Kate Spade at Clarksburg Premium Outlets. You might have noticed it in my engagement pictures– but it makes for a great tote while I’m lugging my life around DC.
I find that I really love a statement necklace to jazz up pretty much any outfit that I wear. Since this dress is solid, I usually grab my York Necklace to add some color and texture to it. And it is absolutely zero secret that I adore Stella & Dot. I still need to spend my reward bucks from the online style session I hosted, but I’m glad I waited becauuuuuse Stella & Dot is offering 25% OFF sale items, which means you can save up to 50% on your favorite pieces! This sale is on now and will expire on Wednesday, 9/6.
photos by Roxanne
Outfit details:
Versatile 3 in 1 York Necklace||Wishing Bracelet – Bisous||Melody Bracelet||PrinStory Women’s Summer Cold Shoulder Ruffle Sleeves Shift Dress||Similar gold loafers||Kate Spade Down The Rabbit Hole Oops a Daisy Scalloped Len Tote Shoulder Bag ||Similar white sunnies
Cold shoulder dresses under $50:
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