He’s popped the question. You’ve said yes. What’s next? All of a sudden, you have a wedding to plan. This can seem like a daunting task. Here’s where to start.
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Catch Your Breath
You’re about to be catapulted into the chaotic world of a bride-to-be. Before you enter, take a moment to catch your breath. This is a special time in your life. You have just made a commitment to spend the rest of your life with the person you love. Take a little time to enjoy that. Go for romantic meals, take a walk and share the news with those closest to you. The preparations begin when you say they begin.
Make A Plan
Invest in a planner. You’re going to be writing a lot of lists over the coming months. Keep your notes in one place, so you can access them when needed. Keep a backup of important contacts and information, just in case.
Sites like The Knot are useful when you begin planning your wedding. They provide useful checklists to help you organize your big day. It’s likely that you’ll discover things that you didn’t even consider.
Weddings are big events, and you can’t do everything yourself. You need to enlist some help. Decide whether you’re going to hire a wedding planner. He or she can take a lot of the stress away from you. They will have connections within the industry and can shortcut a lot of the processes. However, it will be an added expense, and you may decide that you would like to keep a tighter control over the proceedings.
Sit down with the groom-to-be and work out where to start. Delegate some of the tasks to close family members and the wedding party. The more people who can help, the quicker the tasks will be crossed off the list.
Working with reputable suppliers is also important. Choose trusted suppliers with lots of experience. Companies such as Riverhouse Hospitality can help with both the venue and catering, making the process much simpler.
Shop Around
Allow some time in your schedule to look around and see what’s out there. Visit some wedding fairs for inspiration. View online galleries and start a Pinterest board. Browse through magazines and make a scrapbook of things you like. At this stage, nothing is set in stone. You’re just putting together a few ideas.
Celebrate this special time with the people closest to you. It’s unlikely to come round again, and one day you’ll look back on it fondly. Arrange an engagement photo shoot and make some memories.
Save The Date
Once a day has been decided upon, check that your closest family, friends and the wedding party will be available. Make a firm booking with your venue and send out Save the Date cards. This will allow your wider circle to make a note of the day and book around it.
Weddings are big events and take a lot of careful thought and planning. Be organized and plan ahead as much as possible. But ensure you also take some time to celebrate your engagement and the commitment you’ve made to each other.
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