It’s not easy living in today’s world. There are smartphones all around us, ready to capture a less than flattering photo of us. We’re expected to do more and more, and we’re not even sure why. We’re continually bombarded with images of the rich and famous, or the trendy and beautiful, and told that, in some small way or another, we just don’t stack up against other people. So it’s no wonder that more people than ever are suffering from confidence and self-esteem issues. Below, we take a look at some of the most prolific confidence busters, and how you can overcome them.
Feeling Left Behind
It’s all fun and games when you’re younger, and when everyone is doing the same things. But when you get older, the once small differences between you and your friends become more pronounced. They could have a partner, children, and a house, while you’re still trying to figure out how to use a toaster. When this happens, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve somehow been left on the sidelines of the adventure. But remember: life isn’t linear. Sometimes you’re on top of the world, and sometimes you’re not. Check out for advice on how to overcome this feeling. Be patient, keep being you, and your time will come again.
Signs of Ageing
The world has a pretty intense fascination with youth: everybody wants to look young! While you shouldn’t feel bad about naturally growing older, there are times when it feels like you’re aging a little bit too quickly, and the results can be pretty gutting to your confidence. Your skin can look aged, and your hair can fall out. But it’s important to keep in mind that there are things you can do about these issues. If your hair is thinning, then take a look at and get back your head of flowing locks. If your skin isn’t quite what it once was, then speak to a dermatologist – it might be that you just haven’t found the right skin regime for you yet.
Stuck in a Rut
Our life is full of new things and adventures when we’re growing up. By the time we get a career, it can quickly feel like we’re sinking into a rut that is OK, but just a little bit boring and unchallenging. Don’t worry: this happens to everyone from time to time! The good news is that these ruts aren’t down to anyone other than you. You have the power to bust yourself out! Set a challenge for yourself, take a trip to a country you’ve never visited before, and you’ll feel refreshed and energized to tackle life again.
Problems at Work
Our work isn’t just a place where we pick up our wage; it’s an extension of ourselves. As such, it’s paramount that we feel happy, fulfilled, and challenged when we’re at the office. If we’re not, then we’re going to quickly find ourselves sinking into ourselves. After all, we spend the majority of our waking hours either at work or getting to/from there. Again, this is in your hands. If you’re not happy where you are, then look for another job. If you don’t have enough qualifications to progress, then study for a course. It does take an ounce of bravery to break out of a bad situation, but it’s rarely an action that anyone comes to regret.
Negative Voices
The validation of the people around us is something that we all crave, whether we know it or not. If those people are bringing us down rather than lifting us up, then it’s going to be difficult to build up the levels of confidence we need to be the best versions of ourselves. Keep an eye on how people are talking to you. If it’s knocking your confidence, then ask them to stop. If they won’t, then it might be time to limit the amount of time you’re spending with them. It’s hard enough trying to overcome our own negative voices without having to contend with the negative voices of our friends and family.
Not Living Your Life
Our freedom is an illusion, but we’re more free than we think we are. You’re a human being, and you can do anything and everything that you set your mind to! But many people don’t exercise this freedom, because they think they need to dress a certain way or make a certain amount of money, or anything else. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from within. It’s a sure fire way to walk tall and proud with confidence.
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