I truly do believe in the ability of objects to hold, for lack of a better word, magic properties. I’ve addressed some of my thoughts on crystals here and here, but I really am trying to learn more about them.

I recently discovered a YouTuber who totally relaxes me when I listen to her. Occasionally, when I have an afternoon of just straight paperwork, I like to pop in my headphones and just let her voice lull me into the zone. In the embedded video below, she has some tips on attracting abundance and one is to flip your relationship with money- to be thankful that you have money to pay bills rather than be angry about paying bills, for example. I love the positivity behind that!

She also listed off a bunch of stones that attract abundance, but the one that really stuck out to me was citrine.

Citrine Crystal Air Plant

Known as The Merchant’s Stone or The Success Stone, the citrine properties of wealth and abundance are some of its most well known. If seeking abundance in financial or business ventures, this is the stone to aid in the manifestation.

Other citrine properties are linked to the creative process. Whether natural or heated, citrine is said to activate the imagination via the second, third and sixth chakras. It enhances mental clarity and allows for the flow of ideas and visualizing. Especially when used in meditation, this citrine property is very effective in strengthening mental output and establishing goals. Stones to use in addition to citrine to amplify creativity are zincite, orange calcite and carnelian.

Meditation with citrine brings warmth, clarity and inspiration. A good mantra to use with citrine crystal meditation is: I am Light, I spread Light. This emanates vibrancy, and will assist in you in bringing energy flow to soul, mind and creativity. To use a citrine point in manifestation rituals, just write your intentions on a piece of paper and place them underneath the point. Combine with different stones to amplify the specific goal of the manifestation.

Energy Muse

I’m not typically a yellow person, at least in how I dress/ accessorize,  but the sunshiney color makes for some very pretty jewelry, and is usually less expensive than other stones.

While actually the birthstone for November, citrine is the perfect stone for this time of year. Where it is dark, it brings sunshine. Where it is cold, it bring warmth. I’m considering getting a citrine point to keep on my desk at work. Where could you see using this beautiful, yellow stone in your life?

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