Happy Friday, everyone! I had a little bit of an accident at yoga this past week. I was cleaning the studio and slipped in a puddle, falling down and (what I thought was) stubbing my toe. Turns out, I had actually ripped the my toenail about in half, so I’m limping into the weekend not sure if I can make it to the Fillmore tonight for Emo Night Brooklyn (with special guest DJ Ryan Key from Yellowcard.) I’ll just have to see how I’m feeling. What a stupid, stupid injury. LeSigh.
Be a Pineapple Print
This week on The CaroLøve:
It would be remiss of me to not mention anything that happened in my hometown (and across the world) last weekend. I am so proud of everyone who got out to make a stand for what they believe in. Diana of Lust Local asked some people why they marched, and while I don’t agree with everything that everyone said about the march (at this point, I don’t align myself with either liberals or conservatives- but that’s another thought for another day), I’m just glad that the day stayed peaceful, positive, and empowering. I didn’t make it to the march because, honestly, I made plans to high-tale it out of the city as soon as I found I had the say off for the inauguration. I had some much-needed time with Mama D and my Auntie Steph. If you’re looking for ways to support many of the causes marched for on a very real and doable level, check out 100 Days of Action.
While some ugly things did happen this past weekend (I came back to work seeing boarded up windows of places I frequent), it’s nice to see that around the country, people are stepping in to support each other. A couple in Florida has set up a GoFundMe for the limo driver who lost a car to a rioter fire.
If you want to feel all of the feelings (like, warning, you will cry) check out this Michael Jackson Tribute – Heal The World – Child Prodigy Cover by Maati Baan.
The 9:30 Club will have a place in my heart always. The first time I met a band (Dream Street, whatup), getting sung happy birthday by We The Kings, and countless amazing concerts with my best friend in high school. Check it out, behind the scenes.
The CaroLøve fun fact: while lions are definitely my favorite animals, I used to collect seals. Thrilled to see that the National Zoo welcomed an adorable seal into the world!
Have a great weekend everyone! What are you getting up to?
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