Last weekend, I had a moment where I laughed until I cried. You may have seen it on my Instagram stories…

I was in my closet organizing my ridiculous shoe collection when I stumbled across this pair of Volatile platform Maryjanes I got in high school. I can’t seem to get rid of them, although I’ve only worn them a handful of times with no intention to ever wear them again. I made a Snapchat video saying “WHERE AM I GOING IN THESE?!” and went to upload it to Instagram. While it was uploading, it was playing on a loop over my Bluetooth speakers.

WELP. My mom came rushing into my room because she thought her daughter had locked herself in her closet screaming, “WHERE AM I GOING?” over and over. She thought I had snapped. I stood there calmly explaining what had happened… and the video continued playing on a loop. We couldn’t breathe because we were laughing so hard. It felt good to laugh.


It’s a question I ask myself when I try a new trend that’s out of the box for me… or anyone else. It’s also what I’ve been asking myself when I get dressed/dolled up to go  anywhere/nowhere right now. I ordered a pair of jeans that I thought would be fun to try and put them on with while heeled combat boots that I snagged for $20 during a crazy DSW sale. I loved how they looked together so I went to show my mom. “This is what I’m wearing the first time I can go to Mission and split a pitcher of margs with Sarah.”

I went upstairs to change… but stopped myself. Why should I? I love this outfit. It makes me feel good. It’s also comfortable. I may not be going anywhere right now, but what’s the point of saving this outfit and not wearing it for who knows long?

Use this time to try the trend. If you love it, rock it once it’s safe to go places! If you don’t, #thankunext it back from whence it came. No harm no foul.

Bell Bottom Pants High Waist||ARCHIE PLATFORM COMBAT BOOT||Heart Oversized Rimless Sunglasses
Free People Tops:

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