TGI freaking F. This has been a long, strange week and I’m glad I’m about to say good riddance. As for my plans this weekend? Maybe hanging out with Roxanne and her cats on Sunday- but other than that, I’m free and couldn’t be happier.
I Believe In Unicorns Personal, A5 and Pocket Size Planner Dashboards
This week on The CaroLøve:
- Introducing Dirty Hippy Swag
- A journey not a destination
- No More Bad Hair Days!
- Spring Skincare
- Archival: Watch me shimmer
- Archival: Color bar
In a brilliant flash of marketing by Starbucks, a gross frapp was born. I am not about to order a $10 Slurpee that somehow mixes mango + sour blueberry (???), even for the ‘gram. However, I have to say this freaking adorable photo shoot makes the obnoxious beverage worth it.
I’m so down to try lemon juice + apple cider vinegar in addition to my daily probiotic thanks to Alissa’s post.
In my morning perusal of Facebook yesterday, I discovered Lake In Wood Camping Resort. This awesome spot in Pennsylvania has all these little themed places to stay, along with traditional campsites. I’d love to stay in the Caboose Rental myself!
Do you enjoy small fluffly bundles of love? If you’re not already following Kitten Lady Hannah Shaw (kittenxlady on Instagram), now would be a good time to start. She just rescued the cutest baby from Puru… I was holding my breath for them to make it back safe and sound. I’m so in awe- this woman was on vacation and literally saved a little life! How amazing is that?
ICYMI- I’m going to be in a fashion show May 4th! This event is hosted by female business owners uniting together to empower more women in the workforce by donating proceeds, including ticket sales, to Suited for Change. Suited for Change is the leading area nonprofit providing professional attire, mentoring, and job-readiness skills to women seeking financial independence. You can get your tickets here!
Have a good weekend!
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