I’ll be completely honest- I’m not super excited for Valentine’s Day this year. It’s not because I’m not happy or in love, but it’s more that we have so much else to look forward to and plan. Kendall’s birthday falls just days before Valentine’s Day, and my parents want to take us to Rare to celebrate his birthday and mine together. I’m so excited for that! I just feel like Valentine’s Day itself, which falls on a Thursday, will probably be a wash. Both of us will have worked that day and I’m trying to imagine a world in which we will want to fight the crowds of DC.

I’m pretty sure last year we celebrated by making a nice dinner at home, but I’m not even sure we actually did that on the 14th. The 14th also happens to be Kendall’s second anniversary with Starship. I am so incredibly proud of him and his team as they just launched a program with George Mason! His bots will be making life easier for college students in an environmentally friendly + fun way! My husband has worked so hard to be where he is now and I truly think the sky’s the limit for him.

I guess what Valentine’s Day is all about isn’t really the hearts or the flowers or the candy or even the 14th, but it’s a time to take pause and just appreciate the love in your life. I know I appreciate mine! Maybe we won’t celebrate when, or even how, we’re supposed to, but I’ll get myself in the spirit… in the spirit of love.

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